This week I have the pleasure of highlighting @ADARacers! On the morning of May 20th the first thing I saw was a beautiful animation of a SushiByte with its BobaBit Miinons on an ADA Racer. It was submitted for the #SushiBytes Fan Art Contest, Volume 2 and would go on to win 2nd place. I was in such good spirits and motivated for the rest of the day & still look back at this piece when I need an extra boost of good energy. We have forged a friendship since then and I am grateful to witness the growth of this artist. Below you can see the step-by-step process that went into the creation of this piece.
Here is your chance to learn more about the creator behind @ADARacers & their upcoming work with The Atomic Heroes!
1) What other art do you create?
So my work outside of creating ADA Racers is actually as a freelance 2D animator. With ADA Racers everything from the design to the actual process of animating and editing my pieces is done by myself.
However as a freelance 2D animator I am often working in a team and what I create is usually the animation in itself and not necessarily the designs! A recent example of this is some of the animation I have been working on as a freelancer with the team over at The Atomic Heroes!
2) What influences your style?
I think throughout university and in the years since graduating I have slowly developed a style of animation and design through the process itself. So I wouldn’t say it is necessarily influenced by one thing. I have always been really passionate about video games since I was a kid so I guess that has been something I’ve drawn inspiration from in a lot of my work. In particular I love old video game art from the Sega Mega Drive / Nintendo 64 era!
3) When did you get into art?
I’d say I became interested in art as a kid like a lot of other people do! My Granddad worked as a sign writer in the UK painting classic pub signs and I would sit in his studio watching him for hours while scribbling away myself. I guess he was the one person that inspired me the most to pursue art further as I grew up and gave me the confidence to study it in college and University!

@ADARacers, thank you for sharing your talent and brilliance with the world! I hope you continue feeling empowered and supported in this space, the world needs your art <3
p.s. congrats on the #CollaBits auction! You absolutely killed it!