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Tiffany King

How Leukemia Has Shifted Their Lives

Updated: Feb 3, 2022

Have you ever wanted to be a superhero to someone?

Have you ever wondered how you could help save someone's life?

No? Lol well Honestly I didn’t either, until now. I had never really thought about it.

And then, surprise…I would never have guessed that our lives would lead us here.

About 2 weeks ago, I was preparing for Thanksgiving, with holiday stress on my mind. We were working from home, grinding day after day on the computer- a comfortable routine that we’ve established for the last year and half. Jason worked in software as Max, his big fluffy Maine Coon cat, would sleep nearby on the desk. Sometimes, Jason would start his day drinking coffee and taking Max out on a walk. @maxi_the_caat I worked from the other room, doing virtual counseling and therapy with people I love.

Today, all of that has changed. This experience has been the most raw wake up call, smacking me in the face.

As my days now consist of daily hospital visits and coordination over the phone with social workers, I am learning a lot more about something I had very little knowledge of- Leukemia and amazingly, how it’s treatable with the help of another person. You can think of it like donating blood or plasma. If you’ve ever donated blood, then your contribution has helped someone that you’ve never even met, at a time when they were most vulnerable.

A few years ago, Jason signed up to be a stem cell bone marrow donor. He had heard about his cousin and her sudden experience of also fighting leukemia. He immediately put himself down in the medical registry, ready to help donate his healthy cells if they were ever needed.

We will be approaching that same course, just beyond our horizon. As Jason’s treatments will be killing off the faulty cells, cleaning everything out, our next move will be relying on the help of a donor registry.

If you want to make a difference in someone’s world, become a donor. Again, I never thought that life would lead us here but now that I’m learning about this, I am in awe of the incredible advancements of science, as well as beautifully humbled by the altruism of people in the world.

What do I have to do?

Sign up. Swab. Send your swab back in the mail.

Whats involved?

Does it Hurt? No.

Sign up to be a Donor:

(We Delete Blood Cancer)

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